Helping a stranger

Hi friends,

How are you all doing? The New Year has started with new dreams and goals and also with a renewal of existing dreams and goals.

A helping hand!

Few days back, I met a friend of my mother. She travelled a long way to meet my mother and we had some good time with her.

She had recently traveled back from a foreign country via London. She had a long trip back home due to a long stopover at London.

At London airport she realized that she had forgotten to take money from her son. She did have Indian rupees but she couldn’t go and get it converted at the exchange.

So she had to sit at the airport without food and water for almost 24 hours waiting for the next flight.

As she sat waiting for the flight, a lady sitting next to her shared her food and water with her.

This lady, a complete stranger from a different country, caste, language and  culture understood her situation and offered to help.

How did they communicate? They communicated through the universal language of humanity.

This friend of my mother was full of love and gratitude towards that stranger, who came as a divine help. So, when she reached home, she packed up some beautiful gifts and sent it as a token of gratitude and love to that lady.

We have so many people around us and yet at times it’s a stranger who understands us better than those around. This help from the lady created such a powerful faith towards humanity in the heart of my mother’s friend. She had tears in her eyes as she told us the story. She said that it may be a small incident to hear but for her, at that moment, the lady was God-sent.

Such a wonderful act on the part of that lady to be of help to somebody in need. Also a wonderful act on the part of my mother’s friend to appreciate the help and show her gratitude.

Such situations are examples of the acts of goodness done by people without expecting anything in return. They inspire us to do the same for others in need.

What do you think? Do let me know your thoughts on the same.



P.s. image taken from

8 thoughts on “Helping a stranger

  1. Rashmi, thank you for sharing this inspiring story. It renews my faith in the inherent goodness that exists all around us. The most profoundly beautiful moments are these simple acts of kindness that open our hearts to each other and fill us with gratitude.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you so much for the appreciation. I agree with you completely. Such small acts make us realise that being kind is not that difficult. We just need to feel for others.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. In a world where almost everything we hear on the news is negative, you were able to show that the kindness of human hearts still exists. Your story encourages me and reminds me to actively share kindness every single day.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thats exactly the purpose of sharing these stories. They happen all around us yet we tend to ignore them. They make us feel wonderful about our world. Thank you for appreciating the story.

    Liked by 1 person

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