Hi friends,

A very happy new year to you all!!  May this new year bring us closer to our goals!

I am starting my new year here on my blog with my first Law of Attraction (LOA) story. I attracted a diary very similar to Moleskine diary.  I am putting the picture of the diary I attracted here below :


               my diary

I know this looks like a small manifestation but the way it happened blew my mind.

I love diaries. I like the idea of writing my thoughts and ideas in them. As a kid, I used to get old diaries from my parents and  write my thoughts etc. in them. I never bought a diary in my life because I felt diaries are for people who have plans and I never had one.

In the last one year, every time I visited a bookshop or a stationary shop I would come across a “Moleskine diary” and would pick it up, touch it, open it and then I would place it back because I didn’t know how I was going to use it. But I remember I loved the way the diary felt.

Around the end of 2017, we were planning our holidays for the year. Before leaving, my husband decided to clear his office space for the new year. So one evening he brought home few things from office like diaries, pens, folders etc… which the clients gave. He was sorting out the diaries. They were all those dated diaries. Suddenly one black diary caught my attention.  I took the diary from him and was shocked. It was the above diary very similar to the Moleskine diary I always wanted. This was very unusual for an office diary and I knew I had attracted it. I told him I wanted the diary and took it from him. I didn’t know then what I was going to do with the diary but I had to have it.

I have been grateful for the diary ever since. This was an unintentional manifestation and it confirmed the rules of LOA to me.

I have been a follower of LOA for some time now. I have intentionally and unintentionally manifested few things or events in my life. But I never really gave them much thought. I actually started noticing them, being grateful for them and writing them down since last few months and it has been a wonderful experience.

Now that I have the diary, I also have a plan. I hope to be ready with it soon and share it here on my blog.


Waiting to fill in the pages…



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